Hello again! I have to confess that organization is one of the most important things in my life. I cannot imagine my life without a strict time schedule. “Time is money!” as it’s said. So let’s see the most important time words.
prepositions of time
Can you read these words? Put the letters in the correct order.
Answer the questions with the right day.
Today is Monday.
What day is tomorrow?
What day was yesterday?
Today is Wednesday.
Today is Friday.
Complete the sentences.
There are 8760 hours in a
There are 1200 months in a
There are 168 hours in a
There are 1440 minutes in a
Write the names of the seasons under the pictures.
Complete with IN, ON, AT and a time expression.
Christmas – seven o’clock – September – the afternoon – winter – noon - 1st of May
In Siberia it’s very cold .
In Italy many people have a siesta .
In many European countries children go back to school .
I usually get up in the morning.
In many countries people don’t work .
In Hungary bells sound every day .
people give presents in many countries all over the world.