Dani utazásai - India

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So I left it all behind. The exhaustion of the journey is still in my head but here I am in India. I decided not to stay in, sleeping in the hotel room but jump into adventure straight away. I will stay with a local family in Shankarpur in Mahárástra region by the way. I've always wanted to go into the wild to see tigers but in many cases it means the exploitation of the target place and its inhabitants. With Responsible Travel I still got the adventure but also protected and supported the local people's interests. They have a special view, different from most of the travel agencies'. Their business means using low-cost accommodation, enjoying authentic atmosphere and much more without ruining local communities’ lives. In fact, the organization ensures financial backing to them. As you can see in the photo I made it. It was absolutely amazing. The atmosphere was magnificent, the guides were reliable and friendly. Having a lot of excitement also means getting hungry once you survive it. Luckily, my host, the Kulkarni family is about to give me a nice curry dish according to their own recipe, which they say kicks ass.

Dani utazásai angol nyelven

1. Dani az indiai utazása során egy luxushotelben szállt meg.


2. Az utazási iroda indiai programja megfelelt Dani elvárásainak
