Charlie - Health


blow your nose = fújod az orrod

cough = köhög

have a temperature = láza van

have a headache = fáj a feje

have a sore throat = fáj a torka

have a runny nose = folyik az orra

feel unwell = rosszul érzi magát

sneeze = tüsszent

First aid: (elsősegély)

call the ambulance = mentőt hív

bandage = kötés

plaster = tapasz, gipsz

Aches and Pains:

backache = hátfájás

earache = fülfájás

stomach ache = gyomor fájás

People in hospitals:

dentist = fogorvos

doctor = orvos

nurse = ápoló

patient = páciens

visitor = látogató

What a patient does:

fall ill = megbetegedik

is operated on = megműtik

go on a sick-leave = betegszabadságra megy

recover = meggyógyul

suffer from an illness = betegségben szenved

take medicine = gyógyszert szed

What doctors do:

examine = megvizsgál

give an injection = injekciót ad

prescribe you a medicine = gyógyszert ír fel

1. Look at the picture story and tell me what is happening. You can use the following words:
runny, medicine, temperature, recover, examine, sneezing, takes, coughing, headache

1. My uncle has fallen ill and he is in bed now. He has a splitting and a high . headache, temperature

2. He is . coughing

3. He is . sneezing

4. He has a nose and he is blowing it. runny

5. He is going to see his doctor soon, she is going to him and prescribe him a . examine, medicine

6. He hopes it is nothing serious and if he the tablets, he will soon. takes, recover
