Charlie - Education
Types of schools (Iskolafajták)
nursery school = óvoda
primary school = 11 éves korig általános iskola
secondary school = 11 – 18 éveseknek
vocational school = szakiskola
university = egyetem
School rooms/places:
gym = tornaterem
lab = labor
library = könyvtár
playing field = sportpálya
canteen = ebédlő
People in a school:
classmate = osztálytárs
head teacher = igazgató
student = tanuló
teacher = tanár
School subjects (tantárgyak):
biology = biológia
chemistry = kémia
economics = gazdaságtan
geography = földrajz
history = történelem
IT = informatika
literature = irodalom
mathematics = matematika
music = zene
PE = testnevelés
1. Find the words related to education:
1. This is a place where you can read books library
2. This is a place where you eat at school canteen
3. This is a place where you can have biology, chemistry, physics classes in the school building lab
4. This is a room where you have PE gym
5. This is a kind of school which teaches you skills needed for a job vocational school
6. This is a person who is in charge of the school head teacher
7. This is a school subject which gives you information about countries geography
8. You can play football here at school playing field