Charlie - Describing people

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Hello everybody! What can you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? Are you tall or short? Do you have short or long hair? Are your eyes blue or green? Or how could you describe your mother, your father or your best friend? Let’s learn some words and expressions together to be able to speak about the physical appearance.

Height – magasság
tall  magas
short  alacsony 
medium height  átlagos
Weight - súly
slim  vékony
thin  sovány
fat  kövér 
overweight  túlsúlyos 
Charlie is a tall man. He is 1.85 metres tall. He is thin.
His mother is short. She is 1.52 metres tall. She is quite slim.
His sister, Emma isn’t tall or short, she’s medium height. Emma is as slim as her mother.
old / elderly   öreg / idős
young  fiatal
middle-aged  középkorú
Hair / skin / eyes – haj, bőrszín, szem
blue eyes  kék szem 
green eyes  zöld szem
brown eyes barna szem
dark skin  sötét bőr
fair skin  világos bőr
beard  szakáll
moustache  bajusz 
glasses  szemüveg
wear  visel
dark hair  sötét haj
blonde hair  szőke haj
red / ginger hair  vörös haj
black hair  fekete haj
grey hair  ősz haj
long hair  hosszú haj
short hair  rövid haj
straight hair  egyenes haj
wavy hair  hullámos haj
curly hair  göndör haj
fringe  frufru
bald  kopasz

Charlie has fair skin and grey eyes. He has short brown hair.  He wears glasses.

Emma has ginger hair and green eyes.




Charlie’s family – some important expressions and sentences

My mother is an elderly English woman. She is 80 years old. She is a very nice old lady. She has white hair and blue eyes. She is quite short and slim, she is 1.52 metres tall.

My father is older than my mother. He is 85. He is a thin man with short white hair and grey eyes. He is very tall: 1.87 metres.  He wears glasses.

Charlie is a middle-aged man. He is 47. He is as thin as his father and he has grey eyes too. He has a moustache.

My sister, Emma is younger than me. She is 35. She is a very nice woman with beautiful long ginger hair and green eyes.

Complete the sentences with the correct word

My sister is only 1.52 metres tall. She is quite

Basketball players are usually very

If you want to be a famous model, you should be very

If you eat a lot of chocolate, you will be

My grandfather lives in a special house for people.

Look at the sentences and complete the gaps.

exercise 1

They are twins and they are very similar.
They have long wavy brown hair.
They both have a beard and moustache.
They are quite young.
They have blue eyes and fair skin.

exercise 2

They have hair.

They wear .

They are women. (don’t use old)

They have eyes and skin.

exercise 3
Lucy Maria


Lucy has hair and skin.

Maria has hair and skin.

They are 18, so they are .

exercise 4
Bob is 1.65 metres tall. Fred is 1.85.


Bob is than Fred.

Fred weighs 75 kilos. He is very .

Bob weighs 85 kilos. He is .

Fred is than Bob.

Bob is than Fred.