Charlie - Crime and punishment
judge = bíró
jury = esküdtszék
lawyer = ügyvéd
private detective = magándetektív
store detective = áruházi biztonsági őr
witness = tanú
blackmail = zsarol
bribe = megveszteget
fraud = csalás
kidnap = embert rabol
murder = meggyilkol
theft = lopás
blackmailer = zsaroló
burglar = betörő
kidnapper = emberrabló
pickpocket = zsebtolvaj
shoplifter = áruházi tolvaj
smuggler = csempész
spy = kém
terrorist = terrorista
thief = tolvaj
illegal = törvénytelen
arrest = letartóztat
attack = megtámad
ban = betilt
break in = betör
break the law = megszegi a törvényt
catch = elkap
charge with = megvádol valamivel
commit a crime = elkövet egy bűntényt
damage = kárt okoz
escape = elmenekül
examine = vizsgál
investigate = nyomoz
kill = megöl
pay a fine = pénzbírságot fizet
rob = rabol
sentence = elítél
steal = ellop
alarm = riasztó
alibi = alibi
bar = rács
court = törvényszék
evidence = bizonyíték
gun = fegyver
law = törvény
prison = börtön
punishment = büntetés
trial = per
verdict = ítélet
1. Choose the right answer:
He offered me $ 500 to break my contract. That's ...
After the accident the policeman asked if there had been any ...
The judge will pass ... next week.
For small crimes like illegal parking you will not be imprisoned, but you have to pay a ...
The police managed to catch the robber in the street. They ... him and took him to the police station.
2. Find the crime words:
1. eqrgergegattackb
2. kjsescapena
3. evaoenakillogre
4. ogrefraudfrj
5. dnfpickpocketao
6. gergergwggun
7. aodfstealpo
8. afjdetectiveqer
9. rhqrsmuggleraeg
10. erspyegrraerggre