Charlie - Clothes

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Hello again! Today I would like to speak a bit about clothes. To tell the truth I prefer classical style and most of the time I wear a suit and tie especially when I go to work in the college. Let’s see what people wear!

Nouns – főnevek
hat  kalap 
T-shirt  póló 
coat  kabát 
watch  óra 
jacket  dzseki, zakó 
shirt  ing 
scarf  sál 
dress  ruha (női)
skirt  szoknya 
tie  nyakkendő 
belt  öv 
sweater / jumper  pulóver 
suit  öltöny 
socks  zokni 
gloves  kesztyű 
trainers  tornacipő 
boots  csizma 
trousers  nadrág 
jeans  farmernadrág 
shorts  rövidnadrág 
tights  harisnyanadrág
glasses  szemüveg 
sunglasses  napszemüveg
Colours - színek
white  fehér
black  fekete
green  zöld
blue  kék
yellow  sárga
orange  narancssárga
purple  lila
grey  szürke
red  piros
pink  rózsaszín
brown  barna
Verbs - igék
wear visel, hord
Charlie usually wears a suit but today he is wearing trousers and a T-shirt.
 have ….. on   … van rajta
Emma has (got) a blue dress on.
get dressed felöltözik
put on felvesz (ruhadarabot)
In the morning I get dressed. First I put my clothes on than I put on my hat and coat. 
get undressed   levetkőzik
take (clothes) off leveszi a ruháit
In the evening I get undressed. I take my clothes off and then I go to bed.


Complete the sentences with the correct verb. You can use a verb more than once.

Wear – get dressed – put on – take off – have – be

Charlie’s trousers black and his shirt white.

Larry always before he goes out for the newspaper in the garden.

Emily a brand new dress but she very old shoes.

Please your shoes when you get into my house.

Wow, Emma a beautiful white dress today. Where is she going?

If you are cold, your sweater .

Find the incorrect word!


Find the incorrect word!


Find the incorrect word!


Find the incorrect word!


Match the clothes with the part of the body!

glasses, scarf, boots, gloves, tights, trousers, socks, hat, tie

Legs: ,

Feet: ,

Head: ,

Neck: ,


What are the family members wearing in the picture? Complete the sentences with the words below!

exercise 1

Trainers, tights, dress, shoes, trousers, dress, t-shirt, jeans, boots, shirt

The mother is wearing a yellow with yellow on her feet.

The father has brown and a white .

The grandfather has white on.

The son is wearing blue and on his feet.

The little daughter has a light green , purple and a light pink .