action movie = akciófilm
adventure film = kalandfilm
character = szereplő
comedy = vígjáték
director = rendező
dubbed = szinkronizált
subtitled = feliratos
scene = jelenet
screen = képernyő, mozivászon
series = sorozat
soundtrack = filmzene
trailer = előzetes
Useful words to talk about films:
There is a good film on at the cinema = jó filmet adnak a moziban.
It tells the story of a boy = egy fiú történetét meséli el
It was directed by …. = …. redenzte
The film stars Tom Hanks. = Tom Hanks játszik benne
It is set in …. = …. játszódik
actor / actress = színész / színésznő
audience = közönség
act = játszik / alakít
author = szerző
clap = tapsol
curtain = függöny
play = színdarab
stage = színpad
tragedy = tragédia
choir = kórus
classical/folk music = klasszikus/népzene
musician = zenész
orchestra = klasszikus zenekar
play a musical instrument = hangszeren játszik
play the guitar / the piano / the violin = gitáron/zongorán/hegedűn játszik
rock band = rockzenekar
sing = énekel
song = dal
Free time:
go out = szórakozni menni
go to the cinema = moziba menni
go to a concert = koncertre megy
go to the gym = konditerembe járni
go to the theatre = színházba megy
go hiking = túrázni megy
listen to music = zenét hallgat
play cards = kártyázik
paint = fest
You can see Tom Hanks in a scene from the film Forest Gump. Fill in the gaps with the following words and phrases:
directed, set, stars, tells the story of, soundtrack
The film a simple man with a low I.Q. but good intentions. He witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century. Forest Gump fights in Vietnam, he wins medals, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, starts a ping-pong craze, creates the smiley, writes bumper stickers and songs, donates to people and meets the president several times. Most of the scenes are in the United States. Robin Wright his best and only friend who he finally marries. The film was by Robert Zemeckis. The shows specific time periods, selling over twelve million copies worldwide.
Look at the parts of the theatre and match the words and pictures:
curtain, stage, choir, actor, orchestra, seats, conductor, audience
Guess the words:
What do we call …
1. the person who writes novels?
2. an object used for producing musical sounds, for example a piano
3. a short piece of music with words that you sing
4. a small group of musicians who play popular music together
5. a room or hall with equipment for doing physical exercise
6. the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure
7. the activity when you make a picture or design using colours
8. the things with numbers and pictures printed on one side, which are used to play various games
9. the activity when you leave your house and meet friends in a bar or pub
10. the activity that you do with your hands when you like a play