Parts of the book:
chapter = fejezet
cover = borító
review = ismertető
page = oldal
title = cím
Types of books:
novel = regény
short story = novella
crime story = krimi
science fiction = tudományos fantasztikus
tale = mese
textbook = tankönyv
adventure = kaland
travel book = útleírás
guidebook = útikalauz
dictionary = szótár
romance = romantikus történet
poem = vers
article = cikk
headline = főcím
journalist = újságíró
photographer = fényképész
reporter = riporter
TV Guide = műsorújság
subscribe to = előfizetni
deliver = kiszállít
news = hír
weather forecast = időjárás-előrejelzés
quiz show = vetélkedő
series = sorozat
soap-opera = szappanopera
episode = rész
commercial = TV reklám
remote control = távirányító
turn on / off the TV = be / kikapcsolni a TV-t
turn down / up the TV = lehalkít / felhangosít
change the channels = csatornát váltani
Fill in the missing words:
TV Guide, journalist, turn off, tales, soap-opera, title, subscribe to
1. A writes newspaper articles.
2. You can see the of the book on its cover.
3. If you are interested in what is on TV you check the .
4. A Brazilian is about love, romance and revenge and it usually ends after 200 episodes.
5. When you a magazine, your postman will deliver it to your place weekly.
Children like .
7. You the TV before you go to sleep.